Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wow! I can't believe it's been so long since I last looked at this site! Time certainly does fly!

Well, the decision is official...I am, at long last, taking my photography from part-time to a complete full-time photography business and I have to say, I am completely ecstatic! I really do love making photographs, meeting great people, who become loyal clients, and meeting and hanging out with other photographers. What a great life! There is a lot I need to learn as the industry has gone completely digital, but it is very exciting to be in the learning curve and catch up on the cool technology. I have been working on teaching myself Photoshop for the last month and have joined in order to post my photo shoots on-line and make ordering photos simpler for my clients. For the time being, I am remaining a "film photographer," though. After researching my industry favorite, Meg Smith ( and hearing a lecture by the amazing celebrity wedding photographer, Joe Buissink (, I am learning that my dedication to film is an actual style preference as both of these inspirational photographers still shoot film (though Joe does mix in some digital). I had some fears that I was clinging to film because it's what I know, but alas, I am really still not onboard the "digital train." Film has a depth and soul that digital cannot achieve even in the best of circumstances. I'll keep you posted if my preference changes!

I will soon be posting photos from a beautiful wedding I recently shot in North Carolina, so check back often. Thanks for checking in today. Posts will be made on a regular basis from here on out!