Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fall Photo Time!

It's that time of year already! School is back in session. Football season is about to begin. Soon, there will be a chill in the air and before we know it, the holiday season will be upon us. Time seems to pass faster and faster every year, doesn't it? Now is the time, though to schedule the fall family photo shoot. This is a great time to have portraits done as the summer tans have not yet faded and the weather is still pleasant enough to get some great location shots. These photos make great gifts for friends and family and are done in time to get those holiday cards ordered and addressed so they can be delivered on time. Not to mention the fact you can get them ready to go before things get REALLY crazy! For just a $75 sitting fee, you will get a one hour shoot for up to 4 people, 3 months of online proofing and one 8 x 10 image of your choice.

Call and book your appointment before September 12 and receive a $25 online print credit to get your holiday gift shopping started!

Call today to schedule your appointment before the calendar is filled.

Rebecca Doster Photography